Mission Person’s Report: Falon Cooksey, Reported Missing since 6/10/2018 From: Robert A. Williams

Mission Person’s Report: Falon Cooksey, Reported Missing since 6/10/2018
From: Robert A. Williams

To: Sheriff Alan Norman,

The attached notice was displayed on the bulletin board in the Post Office in Fallston. I borrowed it and scanned it for my records and to send to you. I have the original and will return it to the PO bulletin board tomorrow unless you advise me differently.

Since the Mollie Tibbetts kidnapping and murder in Iowa has caused lots of interest and I have written related articles, I called the CC Sheriff’s Department about this missing person’s report to learn the status, whether or not this person has been found. I was not impressed with what I was told. I talked to four different people in your office and nobody has heard about this. The last person I talked to told me to call Sgt. Amy Stroup in the morning. I will.

In the meantime, If there is no missing person’s report filed in this matter, please consider this a formal missing person’s report so that action can begin; although all I know is what is provided in the attachment. I will also post this message on my website along with the attachment to help jog any memories of this persons whereabouts.

Hopefully this Falon Cooksey is safe and can be returned home as soon as possible.


Robert A. Williams

[gview file=”https://citizensforgoodgovernment.org/online/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Falon-Cooksey1.pdf”]