Political Survey Question alleges Kings Mountain Democrat Candidate for House District 111, David Brinkley, mixed cat litter into tobacco products his company produced or sold!!! Fake News or Not??? (Very Likely NOT!!!) Report by Robert A. Williams

It was 8:45PM August 7, 2018 when the phone rang. The Caller ID said “Monroe, NC.” The number was 704-709-0585. The person making the call said this was a Political Survey and asked if I would participate? I said “Sure.”

During the course of the survey, the questions rolled around about the NC House Representative for District 111 race between Incumbent Republican Tim Moore and challenger Democrat David Brinkley. One survey questions asked, Would the Tobacco Company owned or operated by Candidate David Brinkley mixing cat litter into a tobacco product influence your vote: somewhat likely?, very likely? or would it make any difference?

I answered it would not make a difference as I have already decided that I would once again support Candidate Tim Moore. But, I thought I should look into this cat liter mixed into a tobacco product allegation.

So, I Google searched a bit and initially found nothing to back up this back door allegation as it directly relates to David Brinkley. But then I just Googled “cat litter mixed into a tobacco product and found this link. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2013-03-01/tobacco-firms-save-1-billion-with-kitty-litter-in-cigars

It was a Bloomberg article that you have to be a subscriber to read. All you could see was the title and subtitle. Which was…

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Tobacco Firms Save $1 Billion With Kitty Litter in Cigars
By Anna Edney March 1, 2013, 12:01 AM EST

A dozen tobacco companies have gained from a legal loophole that helped them avoid as much as $1.1 billion in U.S. taxes.

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Now, I say that Mr. David Brinkley, Investor and Financial Consultant from Kings Mountain running for the NC House District 111, has some explaining to do.