98 Days ’til Election Day!!! Liar’s Contest Leader–Commissioner Eddie Holbrook!! Speaker of the House Tim Moore is the First Target!! Second Battle of Kings Mountain has already started Over CCC Board of Trustee Appointments!! Report by Robert A. Williams

The Sunday, July 22, 2018 print edition of the Shelby Star; front page above the fold article titled “Who should choose?” can only be described as the first serious partisan shot of the 2018 Election season in Cleveland County. The article was full of half truths, lies and deceptions with the obvious target being Speaker of the House Tim Moore and on behalf of his opponent, Kings Mountain Democrat David Brinkley.

This is how the article went:

First there was this big picture of a female student in the halls of Cleveland Community College. Below that there is a much smaller picture of Speaker of the House Tim Moore, representing the NC 111 District in the NC House, who is also the Cleveland County Attorney.

The Star article, most likely a joint Press Release from the School Board and County Commissioners, describe and insinuate how the NC General Assembly speedily and secretly just passed House Bill 12 and blindsided the School board AND the Commissioners. House Bill 12 changes the way Cleveland Community College Board of Trustees are appointed.. Commissioners appoint eight and the General Assembly appoints four.

At the end of this article we have included a copy of House Bill 12 as well as the Legislative History of HB 12. HB 12 was anything but speedily and secretly passed. The bill was filed January 25, 2017. Discussed, debated on, amended many times before final ratification on June 21, 2018. All in public and all documented in a seventeen month process. Hardly speedy and hardly secret.

Yet, according to the Star article, School Board Chairman Shearra Miller and Commissioners Susan Allen and Eddie Holbrook claim they were “blindsided” and didn’t know anything about the bill and what it did until after it was passed. This lie is especially egregious for Commissioner Eddie Holbrook as his position at Cleveland Community College is Senior Dean of Development and Governmental Relations. At a hefty pay of $162,500 at that. To say that, although this HB 12 affected his office as both Chairman of the County Commissioners and Senior Dean at CCC , he was blindsided is beyond belief. It is beyond belief and such a claim is clearly a big lie.

Holbrook also said none of the other Commissioners knew about HB 12 as did School Board Chairman Shearra Miller. Another big lie.

Both Miller and Holbrook had the School Board and Commissioners make an early appointments before the bill was ratified to get the appointments in under the old law. If you scroll back to my article published June 17, 2018, before HB 12 was ratified, you will see the article regarding the Commissioner’s split vote regarding their CCC Appointment. Some on the Commission wanted to re-appoint Wes Westmoreland and some wanted to re-appoint Wayne King to the CCC BoT. The Commissioners only had one appointment at that time. By the next meeting everything was worked out behind closed doors. The Commissioners would re-appoint Wes Westmoreland and the General Assembly would re-appoint Wayne King. And they did. The Commissioners with a 5-0 vote. They all got what they wanted because of HB 12 and now they claim not to have known anything about it. Although County Attorney Tim Moore is also Speaker of the House.

And between the June 17, 2018 article that I did, Political Smackdown did a show and I wrote several other articles regarding HB 12 before the Star came out with their late and phony article. Check it out.

Now, enough about the phony Star article. Something else and much bigger is going on.

Some facts:

The Star, by their July 22, 2018 article, was writing about old news. The Star usually misses “new” news, so something fishy is going on.

Tim Moore as NC District 111 Representative and Speaker of the House has “brought home the bacon” for Cleveland County. Mostly in the form of grants that have often gone to Cleveland County Schools as well as Cleveland Community College.

When Tim Moore was selected as the new County Attorney amid the controversy of the Commissioners firing the previous County Attorney, besides being First Cousin-once removed, from Commissioner Jason Falls, Commissioner Eddie Holbrook made the statement that Tim was hired to create a link between Cleveland County and Raleigh.

Tim Moore, Kelly Hastings and the General Assembly have taken it upon themselves to fight the “crisis” in Education,” not only in Cleveland County but across the whole state of North Carolina. The General Assembly is “tinkering,” rightly, through legislation, to force school systems to find ways to improve their performance in educating students, requiring teacher performance be improved, moving away from the old tenure system, etc. that has ruffled feathers at CCS, CCC as well as the State School and Community College Boards.

There is major resistance, always, when those on gravy trains are finally forced to go to work. To produce. Certain factions in Kings Mountain, Shelby, CCS, CCC and even the Commissioners, now that it is Election time, see the opportunity to replace Tim Moore with a Democrat. David Brinkley. A well to do businessman from Kings Mountain who is known to raise money for school athletics. Kings Mountain only school athletics.

As I think about this resistance, I have come to realize that the recent anonymous tips sent to me had hidden motives. The allegations of large profits from the “flipping” of a bankrupt chicken processing plant in Asheboro as well as the purchase of a luxury condo in Raleigh by Tim Moore was somehow sleazy, unethical and illegal. Of course I looked into these allegations, dug deep and found nothing to them. And wrote articles saying so.

Now, this phony “old news” article in the Star pops up from nowhere. Of course I had looked at HB 12 weeks ago and concluded that the CCC BoT appointments were major factors in the continuing scandals at CCC and this was a good way to solve them. That is if a better grade of Commissioners are voted into office this year as well as in 2020..

As soon as I heard about the Star article I smelled a rat. A democrat rat linked to the David Brinkley Campaign against Tim Moore. Maybe not an official part of the Brinkley Campaign staff, but a dirty trick faction very similar to the Eddie Holbrook Re-Election Campaign and probably many of the same people in both campaigns.

The first rat in the Elect David Brinkley movement has to be Commissioner Eddie Holbrook. This is logical. Both are white democrats looking for white democrat and black democrat votes while sowing division amongst the Republicans for the purpose of causing them to stay home or vote for white democrat candidates on Election Day. Eddie Holbrook, throwing Tim Moore under the partisan and racist bus, just shows how devious and desperate Eddie Holbrook really is. His supporters too. Like the queer Republican “Boy-Toy” Holbrook recruited to run “ad hominem” attacks against me on Facebook. An effort that has failed.

For everybody’s information an “ad hominem” attack is when the bearer of bad news is attacked instead of answering to the news message itself. This is an age old political tactic that politicians use to deceive people. It is like me writing about Eddie Holbrook being a “silent partner” in this new Hotel just opening up in Shelby. And Holbrook saying, “you can’t believe anything that old Robert A. Williams says.” Instead of answering truthfully whether or not he is a silent partner in the hotel that has benefited by Millions of taxdollars spent by the super secret Economic Development Partnership.

And, then there is the old segregated “black” :Davidson elementary School in Kings Mountain being sold cheap by CCS to a “Black” Church. group whose members include some who actually attended the school years ago.

Reliable sources have informed me, as I have also heard parts of this with my own ears at school board meetings, about the CCS style of Plantation Politics. Instead of the old Willie Lynch style where black male leaders are severely beaten or killed and the mothers take over as head of the family unit. Then they raise their other boys to be docile and do what the Massa says without question-for his own protection. The CCS way (and Eddie Holbrook’s too) is to reward the black male leaders (who have been trained to be docile by their mothers) with token positions in the community, token jobs and token this and token that and let these bought off docile black leaders train the rest of the black community to be docile too. And vote Democrat.

In the case of the old Douglas Elementary School, a group from a local “Black” Church wanted to purchase the old school for their own purposes. But they didn’t have anywhere close to the appraised tax value of the property which exceeded $300,000. They offered CCS around $8,000. The proposed sale of the old Davidson Elementary School came to the attention of Kings Mountain businessman David Brinkley, who became interested in purchasing the property himself and flipping it for a profit. Another well known County businessman, known to offer assistance to those screwed over by DSS, offered CCS $80,000 for the property.

Then CCS blew off the $80,000 offer and seemed on the way to selling it the old school to the “Black” Church except for the interest David Brinkley showed in purchasing the property.

In the meantime CCS installed new doors on the school as well as spending thousands of dollars in removing asbestos. (A point of reference, The Commissioners have budgeted $1 million to demolish the old Doran Mill, including asbestos abatement.)

But, then Brinkley decides to run against Tim Moore for the NC District 111 Seat. And apparently wants to curry favor with the black democrat voters. So Brinkley drops out of the plan to purchase the old school. Of course Commissioner Eddie Holbrook wants the black democrat vote too, so the County doesn’t complain about anything.

From what I hear from sources, the paperwork is almost done and the over $300,000 tax valued old school will soon be sold to the “Black” Church for around $8,000.

So, David Brinkley and Eddie Holbrook appear to be buying “black” votes with taxpayer $$$.

And, that is not the end of the Black vote buying scheme. CCC, in the name of “workforce development,” is in the process of giving a number of taxpayer paid for computers to a “Black” Church associated with CCC BoT Rev. Lamont Littlejohn. A vocal supporter of Eddie Holbrook.

Communities-In-Schools and the Math Academy have also been identified as CCS conduits for tax dollars to “buy” black democrat votes at little to no measure of educational improvements to the students they serve. It seems to go on and on.

So, what we seem to have with the phony Star article, the cheap sale of the Davidson Elementary School, the CIS and Math Academy is the beginning of a targeted political war for Democrats Eddie Holbrook and David Brinkley to win their offices in the 2018 Elections with bought off black voters.

As the Brinkley-Moore contest has the whole state’s attention due to Tim Moore being the speaker of the House and both Brinkley and Moore living in Kings Mountain, I am calling that race the “Second Battle of Kings Mountain.” The first battle being the Revolutionary War’s turning point in the creation of the United States over 200 years ago. This one may be just as important for North Carolina as well as Cleveland County.

Wouldn’t it be a shame if a large turnout of bought off black democrat voters, in conjunction with the low turnout of Republican voters caused the losing of it all. In Cleveland County, North Carolina and across the USA.

Folks, you have 98 days to get your act together before Election Day. Wake up and smell the rats undermining your government with their divisive Plantation Politics and phony propaganda messages from the Shelby Star.

Black democrat voters should wake up too. When you follow your bought off token leadership all you have done is prolong YOUR own personal struggle for equality. Educate yourself and make up your own minds on what is right for you and YOUR family and community. Stay tuned s there is still time.

Here is a link to the same info as enclosed below.

[gview file=”https://citizensforgoodgovernment.org/online/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/HB-12-Voting-History.pdf”]