Commissioner Eddie Holbrook Playing Race Card in Re-election Bid!!! Report by Robert A. Williams

Politics in Cleveland County is always crazy. Like the four Republican County Commissioners selecting Democrat Eddie Holbrook as their Chairman. Many times politics in Cleveland County is stupid. Like selling the Hospital system at yard sale prices and wastefully spending all the money. Like funding (with tax dollars) so many money losing projects such as the LeGrand Center, the Earl Scruggs Center, the American Legion World Series and others. Recently, the Cleveland County Fair, despite all the cash money the Fair brings in with no public accounting… Some things, like hiring loser Jason Falls to the loser LeGrand Center Project are ridiculous as well as downright stupid at the highest degree of insane. And, then there are the race baiting politics that crop up around Election time. And mostly among Democrats.

And, then there are the Eddie Holbrook brand of Democrat politics that is being played out as we speak.

Not long ago Commissioner Chairman Eddie Holbrook and the other commissioners were presented a business proposition by Mr. Willie Green, a two time Super Bowl Ring winner and now an African American businessman in Cleveland County, to partner up in a Sports Complex with numerous benefits to Cleveland County and no downside. A proposition that has already been called for in the Shelby and Cleveland County 10-year Master Plans. A proposition that is a true partnership with Willie Green putting up a large share of the investment money, his own money and the County putting up a reasonable share of the investment, not All the money as in the past failed partnerships the Commissioners get involved with. It has always been in the past so called “Partnerships” the Commissioners puts up ALL the money (taxpayer money) and the “partner” taking all the profits. If you count the failed Doran Mill deal, the Commissioners actually gave away the million dollar property to a group headed up by Roger Holland and this group sold scrap metal that put a million dollars in their pockets as well as milling flooring planks from the beams out of the old mill that went into the uptown NewGrass Brewery owned by Roger Holland and former county manager David Deer.

I attended the meeting as well as a room full of influential African-American leaders in Cleveland County when Mr. Willie Green presented his plan. I was clearly impressed with the plan and the thought that Mr. Green had invested his own money. A sure sign that he would certainly work hard to make the Sports Complex work for all concerned. Holbrook did not commit and without his commitment the four Republican Commissioners would not commit either. It was kinda like why have five County Commissioners? One is enough. However Eddie Holbrook votes the other four Republican commissioners all vote the same way.

But, that was not the end of it for Commissioner Eddie Holbrook. Holbrook goes around Cleveland County white Democrats telling them he will not support this “black” plan. Then Holbrook goes around telling black Democrats all kinds of phony reasons for not supporting Mr. Green’s offer and asking them hot to hold it against him in the upcoming Democrat Primary Election on May 8. An obvious attempt to lie out of the real reasons the Commissioners will not support this first public-private partnership where the county partners with a “black” businessman. A necessary lie for Holbrook because Holbrook is opposed in the Primary Election by two black candidates and there are only two seats in that commissioner’s race. If black voters turn out and vote for the two black Democrats, Holbrook deservedly is ousted as a County Commissioner.

Sources report that Eddie Holbrook is also making the rounds with a “Black” association of
Baptist Preachers with his message that the “black” Democrat vote should be split their vote such that he gets at least one of the two votes in the Commissioners Primary Election. All the while “white” Democrats are expected to single-shot vote for Eddie Holbrook in an targeted attempt to better Holbrook’s chances of winning and diminish the chances of the black candidates. A tactic that worked in the 2017 School Board Election where the “Black” Preachers were asked to support “white” School Board candidate Phillip “Bully” Glover with one of their four votes in that Election. Although Bully Glover had done nothing to improve “diversity” at CCS.

One has to wonder, in this day and time, why any African-American voter would continue to fall into such traps as this??? No matter what any paid-off “black” Preacher would tell them.

Folks, the 2018 Primary Elections “Early Voting” starts in about two weeks. There will be a Democrat Primary for the Commissioner’s race and several Republican Primaries for several other offices. Please get yourself informed on the issues that are important to you and get out to vote. Don’t be fooled by empty promises and dirty-trick politics like the kind Commissioner Eddie Holbrook is involved with. And helped with it by the other Republican Commissioners.

I will be coming out with my candidate recommendations very shortly. I always explain the issues and which candidate will best represent the best interest of Cleveland County citizens along with my recommendations. Whatever you do, get informed and vote!!! If you don’t get yourself informed, then please stay home on Election Day.

Stay Tuned!!!