Comments on article “Workforce Development–A Manifesto” Shared by Robert A. Williams

This morning I received an email from Mr. Ellis Monroe regarding the subject article. Mr. Monroe was Chairman of the Cleveland Community College when the scandals at CCC first came to light and gridlock on the CCC Board of Trustees prevented immediate corrective action. Thus prompting Mr. Monroe to resign in disgust.

That was unfortunate for Cleveland Community College and education in Cleveland County as Mr. Monroe has his “eye on the ball” regarding the problems with our present educational system methodology and has the common sense to know what to do about it.

We are sharing Mr. Ellis Monroe’s comment and common sense approach to fixing our problems with our schools for all to see. Hopefully others will join in with this narrative as it is the only solution that is going to work to resolve these problems and save our children. And, in turn, save America. Cleveland County too.

Pass this along to all your friends and neighbors. Go back and re-read the original article too. Remember, this is an Election Year. Our future depends on who gets elected. And who doesn’t!

RE: Workforce Development–A Manifesto
From: Ellis Monroe 2/17/2018 !0:00am

To Robert A. Williams

Excellent article and so true. Thank you Ellis Monroe

Mr. Monroe also forwarded a comment from Jack Watts:

Subject: Comments by Jack Watts
COMMON SENSE: In America, kids have been going to school since the Pilgrims and Puritans settled in Massachusetts nearly four hundred years ago, and guns have always been part of our culture. If weapons are the problem, then why hasn’t there been shootings in schools since the beginning? Why is this a recent phenomenon of the past quarter century and not a consistent problem throughout our history?

The answer is simple, but our politically-correct Progressive leaders do not want to hear it. From the 1620s forward, schools inculcated the virtues of patriotism, moral rectitude, and American exceptionalism into students. It was foundational to our entire educational system, and all of this was based on the value of the Judeo-Christian ethic. It worked well for more than three-and-a-half centuries, as evidenced by the fact that there were never mass shootings at schools until recently.

In the twenty-first century, the Judeo-Christian model is no longer taught. In fact, it is being repudiated daily in favor of Progressive values that eschew patriotism, mock traditional morality, and repudiate the value of American leadership. More than half of Millennials are ashamed of being an American, which is a complete reversal from what earlier generations of kids believed.

We are producing disconnected, alienated kids by the millions, while simultaneously being clueless about why they are so narcissistic. We have created an entire generation of self-serving brats who have few work skills but believe they are entitled to wealth without earning it. The ones that aren’t drugged up have no coping skills, while those who are drugged up live in a perpetual fog.

Because we are unable, or unwilling, to place the blame where it belongs—on our flawed and broken educational system—we blame guns instead. The fools in our Progressive media insist that the problem will be solved by disarming Americans, but that will only make it worse. Instead, what we need to do is return to the model that worked for centuries, but that’s not going to happen—not unless there is a complete transformation of our societal values. Christians have a word for this—repentance, but repentance requires virtues the Progressives do not possess.

I have painted a bleak picture because our future will be bleak without such a transformation.

—Jack Watts

Editor’s Note: Jack Watts is an award-winning author, having published five books so far, including two with Simon & Schuster. His daily blog about recovering from religious abuse, Pushing Jesus, is read in more than 140 countries. Jack lives in Atlanta, where he broadcasts two weekly radio shows—Jack Watts Live and Jack Watts on Recovery. He has five children and nine grandchildren