Burns High School’s Fair Exhibit Ruled Racially Insensitive!!! CCS Administration/Board Order Burns Exhibit Removed!! The Exhibit on the Heritage of Cleveland County contained Cotton and was considered Offensive!!! –Article written by Robert A. Williams based on anonymous report

A “Private Caller” left a stern message this afternoon that I should investigate how the Cleveland County School Board and Superintendent Stephen Fisher had received a complaint that the Burns High School Fair Exhibit was considered “racially insensitive and offensive” and ordered the Burns Exhibit removed from the Fairgrounds. The Burns Exhibit Theme was about the Heritage of Cleveland County and contained cotton and references, including songs, related to cotton. Among other things.

The first song that came to my mind me was “Dixie” which goes like this: (everybody knows the tune)
“Oh, I wish I wuz in the Land of Cotton,
old times there are not forgotten.
Look Away, Look Away, Look Away Dixie Land.
In Dixie Land where I was born in,
early on a frosty morning.
Look away, Look away, look away Dixie Land.
I wish I was in Dixie, Hooray! Hooray!
In Dixie’s Land I’ll take my stand, to live and die in Dixie.
Away, away, away down south in Dixie!
Away, away, away down south in Dixie!

It seems that picking cotton and everything about Southern Heritage is offensive to some folks these days and Cleveland County Schools seem to want to re-write the well documented history of Cleveland County to leave out any references to cotton, just like they have left out Biblical Teachings of what is right and what is wrong. If you look hard and close at the death spiral of our educational system here in Cleveland County as well as North Carolina and the USA, you will easily conclude that re-writing history, taking away Biblical Teachings (and Prayer) and the death spiral of our educational system goes hand in glove with one another. Something has got to give if our Country, our state and our county will ever prosper again. And banning the Burns Fair Exhibit is certainly NOT the way to go with that. I know for a fact that myself and just about every white and black person in Cleveland County over the age of 21 has spent time in the cotton fields in Cleveland County. Often for the express purpose of having spending money for the Fair.

Folks, I plan to do my part if finding out the rest of the facts regarding the Burns Fair Exhibit being removed from the Cleveland County Fair. But you have to do your part too. You can call the CCS Superintendent Stephen Fisher and demand some answers. Call CCS Board members and let them know how you feel about all this stupid so called “political correctness” that has no correctness associated with it. No common sense either. You must also get yourself down to the voting booths on Election Day. This is an Election Year for the School Board and you must do your duty and vote for those who will put a stop to all this mess. If you go to the Fair this year, or any political forum, listen close to Danny Blanton, Robert Queen, Rodney Fitch and Kevin Whisnant. These folks are candidates for the school board and, if elected, you will find such a mess as this Fair Booth fiasco “Gone with the Wind???” I am sure if you wrote these guys a check for a campaign donation it would help them get their word out to the public. And we would all appreciate that. Get yourself a yard sign and maybe a tee-shirt too.

School Board, Water Board and all the other elections this year will soon start on October 19, 2017 with Early Voting. The General Election Final Day will be November 7, 2017. Be sure to go vote and take a crowd with you. Also, be sure to wear that special cotton shirt when you go vote. Be proud of your heritage and your days in the cotton patch. That hard work built our character. Be especially proud of who you vote for too, knowing that changes for the better will soon be coming.

Addendum: Confirmation has been found on Facebook. The picture below, is from the FB page of Kevin Whisnant. Click here to go to his page.