Breaking News!–Kathy Falls Lawsuit against the Cleveland County Board of Elections in Court Today at 9:30 AM. A Liberal out of town Judge is presiding. Report by Robert A. Williams

Judge Robert T. Sumner, appointed by the failed liberal one term NC Governor Beverly Perdue, is presiding over a hearing this morning at 9:30 AM in Superior Court in Shelby regarding the Kathy Falls lawsuit. (Scroll back for a copy of that lawsuit.)

It is expected the Board of Elections lawyer Brian King will argue that Falls’ complaint is with the NC General Assembly and not the CC Board of Elections. Also that a NC state law requires lawsuits against the NC General Assembly are required to be heard in Wake County (Raleigh).

However, knowing that liberal judge make their own laws from the bench, and it appears Kathy Falls lawyer Paul Ditz has been “judge shopping.” there is no telling what kind of crazy rulings will be made at the Shelby Courthouse today. Nothing new there either.

On another note, Kathy Falls has reportedly gone to the CC Board of Elections and picked up her papers to file for office using the petition process. Insurance in case the ruling in her case goes against her. That is probably the smart thing for her to do. Probably a first.

Stay tuned and we will give you an update as soon as there is one.