Part V: Cleveland Community College Board of Trustees Call Special Meeting Over Tsunami of Scandals!!! Shelby Star trying to Cover Up??? Report and Analysis by Robert A. Williams

Editor’s Note: This is the fifth article in a my series of articles regarding an explosion of scandals that has Cleveland County citizens ablaze regarding what seems to be, and is, a tsunami of record proportions that is starting to crash ashore at Cleveland Community College, the Cleveland County Board of Education and the Cleveland County Commissioners.

I usually begin my articles by beginning at the beginning. This time I suggest you go back and read the previous articles again to keep track of how your leadership in the above noted agencies continue letting you down by not taking corrective and disciplinary action when such actions were due. Now, heads will have to roll. Cover-up is not an option.

I also suggest you read the Shelby Star article of May 20, 2017 entitled Debate about dual enrollment that is the major thrust of the Cleveland Community College Board of Trustees as well as the Commissioner’s and Cleveland County Board of Education’s attempt to manipulate the issue and provide a cover-up for the alleged scandals, corruption, fraud, illicit sexual conduct, etc. at the highest levels that has been discovered and reported.

Now for some facts:

The Cleveland Community College Board of Trustees Chairman, Ellis Monroe, has resigned from that Board in disgust because other Trustees have not cooperated in taking actions necessary to correct the problems. Those problems being allegations of:

  • illicit sexual references and relations between CCC President Dr. Steve Thornburg and Executive Vice President Dr. Shannon Kennedy and perhaps others,
  • retaliation against Professor Ginger Bullock and others who are reluctant to participate in unethical and perhaps illegal activity by the CCC Board and high level administration,
  • dumbing down educational content for the dual enrollment students,
    enrolling unqualified students into the dumbed down courses to drive up the number of students in the programs. CCC allegedly gets up to 30% of their funding from these phony programs.
  • allegedly misappropriating funding from grants for specific purposes by using that funding for unauthorized purposes,
  • obvious collusion and conspiracy with the Cleveland County Board of Education to allow, tolerate and condone the noted activity.
  • The Shelby Star article noted above has obviously left out most of the information and issues. Compare the Star article with my articles which included and was based on documentation from third party totally independent sources.

    The CCC Board of Trustees have called a special meeting for May 23, 2017. An agenda of this meeting has not been provided on the CCC website.

    For additional Information I am providing the text of my email communication with the CCC Board of Trustees Chairman Ellis Monroe on April 10, 2017-just as this scandal was breaking and just before Mr. Monroe resigned from the Board of Trustees. I told Mr. Monroe that “heads will have to roll” to straighten this mess out. I stick to my evaluation as noted in my email below.

    Mr. Monroe,

    Thank you for calling me this morning regarding the article below. You can access the article by clicking on the link noted in blue letters and opening the hyperlink. And please forward this email/article to the other members of the CCC Board as well as other interested persons as you see fit.

    As you will see when you read the article, there are very serious concerns raised on many fronts regarding the goings-on at Cleveland Community College as well as Cleveland County Schools in regard to the leadership of both at the highest levels. Much of the article is also confirmed by information I have received from other sources.

    It appears to me the best approach to take by everyone involved is to find the truth, admit to the truth and do what is necessary to correct this matter. Some heads will have to roll at both Cleveland Community College and Cleveland County Schools is the way I see this situation. I would also suggest the CCC Board of Trustees calling in the SBI or other law enforcement agencies to investigate the allegations of misapplication of Grant funding. Retaliation against any person noted in the article would not be advised.

    Again, thanks for your call. And your interest in this matter. Please give me a call If you have any problems opening the link to the article. Also note that the link will also allow you to read the comments that have been made regarding the article. You can’t always verify who is making the comments, but you can get a general feeling of how others are perceiving the article.


    Robert A. Williams

    Link to article from The James G.Martin Center.

    Folks, hang on to your hats regarding this matter. There is much more information coming in to me regarding these scandals and the cover-up. It would be nice if the CCC Board of Trustees, the school board and the commissioners would take appropriate action. I suspect they will not. There is much more information that I have that will be coming out soon. You will be the first to know.

    In the meantime, Remember, this is an Election Year for the School Board. School Board Chairman Phillip “Bully” Glover and members Kathy Falls and Donnie Thurman, Jr. need to go. I recommend voting for Danny Blanton, Kevin Whisnant, Rodney Fitch and Robert Queen (if he runs) for the school board. Stay tuned to this website if you want to know the truth of this matter.