Crazy, Lazy and Hazy Establish Republicans Trying to Surrender to Democrats!!! Lead by John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Paul Ryan– Thanks God for Donald Trump and Mark Meadows!!!– Exterminate Democrats and RINOs with the Truth– –Report and Evaluation by deplorable Robert A. Williams

Remember when John McCain ran for President in 2008 and was beaten soundly by Barack Obama, a community organizer who had never held a job in all his life? About the only thing McCain did right was pick Sarah Palin for his Vice President running mate. Even then McCain wasn’t smart enough to let Palin campaign like she wanted to, so McCain lost.

Remember when Republicans were hollering and screaming that they couldn’t do anything because Democrats held the Senate, the House and The Presidency? Remember when voters gave Republicans the House, but they still complained Democrats held the Senate and the Presidency so they couldn’t do anything? Then voters gave the Republicans the Senate as well as the House. But Democrats held the Presidency so Republicans said they still couldn’t do anything. Then, in 2015 when the Republican Speaker of the House, John Boehner, was “compromising” with Democrats instead of working with consulting conservative Republicans, the Freedom Caucus forced Boehner to resign as Speaker of the House. Only thing was the establishment Republicans selected Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House. Ryan immediately began “compromising” with Democrats instead of consulting with conservative Republicans-just like Boehner.

Remember in 2016 when all those establishment Republicans ran for President, Lindsey Graham included? The voters were fed up with “establishment” Republicans, often called RINOs (Republican in Name Only), and elected Donald J. Trump as President. Establishment Republicans fought Trump all the way through the Primary, through the elections when Trump soundly beat Hillary Clinton. They even fought all the way to Trump’s inauguration, trying to pull some dirty trick to keep Trump from being sworn in.

All in all, Republicans at every level in Federal, State and Local governments all across the USA have defeated 1,043 Democrats and taken control of the US House, the US Senate and the US President. And what do the establishment Republicans still want to do? They want to “compromise” with the Democrats instead of working with the Freedom Caucus.

And what do Democrats stand for? Abortion. Gun Control. Appointing activist judges. Raising taxes. Spending money foolishly. Bringing in all those illegal aliens, even the violent criminals, and putting them on Welfare. Same sex marriage. Grown men taking showers with little girls. It goes on and on. Why the establishment Republicans want to compromise with Democrats instead of conservative Republicans is beyond me.

Let’s look at some specifics.

The newly elected Democrat US Senator from California, Kamala Harris. The weirdoes in California say they think Harris, a black female, will eventually be the first black woman president. My problem with Kamala Harris is this. Harris says she will not support any Supreme Court nomination from President Trump because “As U.S. senators, we have an obligation to also examine a nominee’s legal approach and ask whether he or she considers the impact of those decisions on our society and the daily lives of our people,” which would only be an opinion that would be different from any other judge. Duhhhh. Harris does not want a judge to rule on the law as the law is written??? She wants judges to make rulings based on “society” and the “daily lives of our people” Kamala Harris has completely forgotten the United States is a Republic where our elected officials make the laws and the judges make rulings based on those laws, not some silly personal opinion. Of course you have to also remember that California wants to make the whole state a “sanctuary” for criminals, especially illegal aliens, who like to shoot and kill people innocent.

Just think, are US Senators like Kamala Harris the kind of Democrats Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Representative Paul Ryan want to “Compromise” with instead of working with the Freedom Caucus? These hit-wit establishment Republicans have even talked President Trump into thinking about “compromising” with the Democrats instead of working with the Freedom Caucus over a healthcare bill to finally get rid of the failure called ObamaCare. What a disaster that would be.

And, of course, the liberal and lying media are making this all into fake news with John McCain as the go-to “fake” Republican Senator.

Folks, I recommend not paying any attention to the fake news and “fake” Republicans. Just remember President Trump has kept Ford Motor Company from opening new plants in Mexico and Ford reopening three other plants in Michigan to keep jobs in the USA. The Keystone Pipeline. The Caterpillar Plant. Carrier. Boeing. On and on for more jobs in the USA.

And don’t forget, the Russians who, according to Democrats, a few establishment Republicans and the RINO John McCain, “interfered” with our elections in 2016 in some kind of collusion with the Trump campaign. All I know is the internet “hacks” blamed on the Russians about Hillary Clinton all turned out to be true. Some of the Crazy, lazy and hazy folks are even saying the unproved Russian “interference” was an attack, an act of war. I have to say, if the Russians have attacked ignorant US voters with the truth, thank you Vladimir Putin. I would also have to say, from watching the Democrats, I can believe those nit-wits would think, with their small minds, that laying the truth on them would be considered an act of war.

I say, let’s continue to make war on the Democrats and the RINOs until there are no longer any more of them in elected office. Exterminate all Democrats and RINOs-with the truth. And your VOTE on Election Day. Elect real conservatives and not RINOs.