Former Cleveland County NAACP President Praises Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary !!!– Challenges Democrats to “Give Credit where Credit is Due” Report by Robert A. Williams

Rev. Dante A. Murphy, a former Cleveland County NAACP President, sent me the following email message. Rev. Murphy attended many of the Cleveland County School Board meetings as I did. He heard what I heard and he saw what I saw. The public schools in Cleveland County, North Carolina and the USA have obviously failed our children and especially black children. And every right thinking person should be able to see what is happening and know our education system needs fixing.

Rev. Murphy’s email is as follows. Nothing has been edited or revised.

From Rev. Murphy:


It is my guess that few democrats or blacks will go on record praising Donald Trump, but I’m excited about his choice and ultimate confirmation of DeVos.

As a longtime registered democrat and being of African American decent I want to go on record as saying that one of the most courageous and greatest appointments of all time may be the selection of Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary. Considering the current status of the educational system in America someone at some point in history had to bite the bullet and declare that enough is enough. The challenge for my fellow democrats is now to also bite the bullet and give credit where credit is due. Donald Trump is in control of our nation and whether you like him or not he is doing one thing that many politicians, both republicans and democrats, have failed at-going against the grain and doing things differently to “make America great again.” It is my hopes and prayers that at the end of Trump’s administration he can say in the words of Frank Sinatra, “I did it my way” and it worked!

D. A. Murphy